Friday, April 4, 2008

Fifth Assignment

1.) I think the project the author is trying to get across is that people should maintain relationships and communicate. In real life I am not close to my father at all. I haven’t seen him in 2 years. Also telling the truth is very important. Jokes and tall tales are okay but always in moderation. If you are always telling false stories or ‘fish stories’ then people will lose the sense of who you really are.

2.) I think the Main conflict in the story is character vs. other. William( Edward's son) is trying to figure out who his father is before he dies.(Edward dies) The only details about his fathers life he knows is through the jokes and tall tales that he was told as a child.

3.) I think the conflict is appropriate for the project becauses it really relates to real life situations. Life today isnt like it is portrayed in the movies, where all families are perfect and happy. I think that Edward and William could easily be real life characters. The arguments and issues described between them are so prevelant today. Maybe though if people are more accepting and leave well enough alone then there wouldn't be as much problems. You cannot force someone to tell what they do not want to.

4.) The story also portrays character vs.self . Maybe Edward feels that he never was good enough being just ordinary so he made up stories to make him feel like his life was more special. Also he is always proving to himself that he can accomplish bigger things that he needs to do more.So it seems like he is strugglin to prove to hmself that he he is good just the way he is and doesnt need to make up fish stories.

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