Sunday, March 30, 2008

fourth Assignment

1.) I picked a symbol. The symbol I chose was written while william was describing the life of his father. Though out the book, Edward's life is described. Here is the sentence; "By his twelfth year...he new more than anybody... He was a big fish even then." I think the word 'big fish' in this sentence means that he was built for bigger things.Even though he was born in a small town, he was meant for a better life. Like he wanted to do more and be more in life. I think the elements job is to tell that even young ones can know what they want in life and if they continue pursuing their dreams than they can accomplish them.

2.) I guess BIG FISH could stand for a metaphore. He is not really a fish but like a gold fish it can either live in a small tank and remain tiny, but it grows and adapts to larger enviorments. It could mean that he is easily adaptable but also alwyas needing to grow. No matter what he is accomplishing he always nedds to do more or 'grow more.

3.) I thikn the relationship between Edwad Bloom and his son William are really important throughout this book. The book doesnt really describe a close relationship. Instead there seems to be alomst a fairy tale relationship or a stroy book relationship So, William only knows what his father tells him. All the stories that Edward has told may not have happend, but they are the only ones that he knows of his father. It kind of shows that even not so close realtives have a closeness that isnt really noticed.
Big Fish is kind of a mysterious fantasy about a father and sons retalitonship.The book is really easy to understand. I found it easy to pick and recognize what is what.

I am not quit sure about the project yet. I am still searching.

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