Friday, March 14, 2008

Third Assignment

1) I have to say that I have never read a book with this kind of adventure and imagination. There is however some parts
that seemed familiar. The book is about a son’s journey about finding who his
father really is and about his father’s life. I have heard of similar plots. Big
fish is full of imagination and adventure though.

2) I think what makes my book original is the mind of the author. His creativity
throughout the book is unique. Sure there are other writers out there who have
written similar ideas but I haven’t read any so it is original to me. Still some
of the plot and characters have been used in other storied whether they are
exactly the same or altered.

3) I think that whatever people write is new to them. Even though there are already comedies, dramas, and thrilling
books their own version of the plots are new to them. So it may not be a bran
new plot but their version of it is new.

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