Friday, March 7, 2008

Second Assignment-Character

1.) I think the main character of this book is Edward Bloom. The book is mainly about his imagination and what he sees. Edward is a caring and adventurous individual. He cannot stay in one place very long, he has to see more. Throughout the book it flashes back to real life while he is dying and talking to his son William. All of the stories that William knows may or may not have happened. Their bond kind of grows through-out the story. Throughout the book, he tames giants, saves mermaids, takes care of an old lady, grows three feet in a few hours and meets a two headed lady while at war. He also can run really fast and never stays in one place for two long.(pages 30-on)

2.) In a way I am king of like Edward. I love to travel and see new places. I haven't yet seen a giant or mermaid though. When I was little I used to love fantasy books and movies like Cinderella and the Little Mermaid. I do also have quite the imagination sometimes and I often daydream.

3.) If I were Edward, I would probably see lots of color and images. The surrounding in the book is often sunny and green with an occasional dark woods or something like that. The smell I would relate is like fresh cut grass or just after it rains smell. Also I think I would hear classical music like piano or violin. I remember from Alice and Wonderland all the strange creatures in the forest. I guess that some of those would exist in my head. I guess I would feel happy that I can do what I can and that I get to travel where ever I want to and make up anything. It is kind of like making up your life as you go.

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